How to make a new habit last a lifetime!

I have a quick tip for you today that could be a total game-changer for you!

If you are trying to create a new habit (aren’t we all?!), i’m 99.999% sure this tip will help. And It works because it couldn’t be any simpler.

But first, I have a confession: back in the day, I’d buy vitamins and they would sit on a kitchen counter…basically untouched. I always had the intention of taking them, but for some reason I could never remember to take them.

Well, recently I heard about “habit stacking” and decided to give it a try (it’s outlined in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, which is a great read, with lots of practical tips!).

It’s a no-brainer way to create a new habit in your life – pretty much any habit, not just taking vitamins. All you do is “stack” whatever habit you’re trying to create on top of an activity you already do every day.

For example, when you brush your teeth, which you do every morning, add another habit on top of that (like taking your vitamins).

Or … doing the dishes immediately after eating dinner each night, and then (bonus stack!) going on a short walk, which studies show helps manage blood sugar and improve your digestion!

Every time you do your “regular” activity (like brushing your teeth or eating dinner), you don’t even think about doing the “stacked” activity because it eventually becomes automatic.

I know this works, because now I don’t have to constantly remind myself to take my vitamins. It’s just become a part of my regular routine!

In the Atomic Habits books, the author lays out some pretty long “stacking” routines, but I’d just start with one habit at a time. This keeps you from getting overwhelmed or worse, ending up with an hour-long routine you have to go through before you go to bed.

So let’s chat about you. Do you have a new habit you’re trying to create? Give some thought today about how you can “stack” it with an activity you already do! Here are a couple ideas to get you thinking:
If you’re trying to get back into your workouts, every night before you go to bed, put your gym bag by your door right after you brush your teeth.
If you’re trying to eat healthier, plan the next day’s meals (including those healthy snacks we’ve been talking about lately!) the night before, just after you eat dinner.
The ideas starting to flow for you? Yeah!!

Happy stacking!


Accountability Coaching

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Fitness Coaching

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Virtual Fitness Coaching

Not ready to hit the gym, not able to train with me locally….no worries. Get coaching from the comfort of your own home with Virtual Fitness Coaching! We will start with a phone call or zoom to make sure we are a great fit and learn a little more about your goals. Then we put a plan together and create a private client portal just for you with EVERYTHING you need to hit your goals and love your body and life!

My Commitment To You

Change can be hard. But you’re here and you’ve decided to make a commitment to living in YOUR best body starting today. And guess what? I’m committed to taking that journey with you.


You bring the heart, commitment and coach-ability, and I will bring the tools, accountability and support.


Together we will help you love the body you live in, while building the body and life you want.

Happy Clients


Let’s start loving your body!

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