Are your goals aligned with your values?

Do you ever wonder why some goals seem to stick… while others disappear faster than free pizza at a college dorm? 😂

Well, if you’re like most people…

You tend to spend a LOT of time thinking about what you want to achieve…

But a lot LESS time thinking about why these goals really matter.

That’s why this month, I’d like to dive into something that I normally only talk about with clients.

And that’s your core values.

Because when your goals and core values are in sync, magical things happen!

But when they’re not? That’s when things can start to unravel.

So to see where you’re at with that I’ve got a fun little exercise for you, straight from the minds at Harvard Business School.

Let’s grab a pen and some paper, and dive in!

Step 1: Discover your values

Your values are the things that are most important to you. (Not anyone else!) They’re YOUR North Star.

For each value, write a few sentences about WHY it is so important to you.

Think: faith, health, family, happiness, security, freedom, fun, etc.

So for me this would be my faith in Jesus, my health, and my family just to name a few.

Step 2: Rank your TOP 2-3 values

Time to narrow it down. From your list, pick the 2-3 values that are the MOST important to you. The ones that make you feel like, “Yes, this is what I stand for!”

Step 3: Define what your values mean to you


👉 Your values guide your decisions.

So using your own words, write down what your top 2-3 values mean to you (which might be different than what they mean to someone else).

Here are a couple of examples for me:

“Health” — This means taking care of my body with daily movement and fueling it with healthy foods so I can feel my best and have the energy to do my best each day. It also means making sure I’m taking care of my mind as well by being aware of what I am “feeding” it. Reading and focusing on things that help to spur me to growth and challenge me.

“Faith” — My faith in Jesus is the most important value I have and it guides the decisions I make in my life. While I don’t always walk this out perfectly, spending time in prayer and studying the Word and being in the community with those who help me walk stronger in my faith, helps me keep Jesus as the head of my life!

Step 4: Put them to work

Now it’s time to ACT in alignment with your values — and use them to recalibrate your day and drive your actions and decisions.

Meditate on them each morning. Journal about them or post them somewhere you can see them and be reminded of them.

So that when you’re faced with a choice, you make the one that aligns with your values!

This is KEY because when life gets in the way (because it will) it’s too easy to set aside the things that mean most to us — unless we’re intentional about it. 🔥

So how about you? Willing to give this exercise a try? If you are, reply back and let me know!

Oh, and this is ALSO a great exercise to work on together as a family!

Committed to Your Success,

Andrea Wiggins

Andrea Wiggins Strong


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