Let's Get Started


After we have had a quick conversation and decided we want to work together, we will meet for an in-depth consultation. This is where we get to the nuts and bolts of your health goals. What has fitness looked like for you in the past? What do you like to do? What don’t you like to do? (Well, other than burpees). What are your goals? This is where we find out what YOUR fitness plan should look like.


Once we finish your consultation we will do your fitness assessment. This is where it starts to get fun! This is where we see where you are starting from so we can track all of the progress you are going to make.


During your fitness assessment, I will be:


  • Taking your measurements
  • Taking “before” photos
  • Checking your flexibility and muscular endurance
  • Doing a basic postural analysis
  • Checking for any restrictions or pain points that need to be addressed.



Now that we know what your goals are and what your starting point looks like, it’s time to pick the program that will be the best fit for YOU.

Do you want to try things out with the KICKSTART or are you ready to go for it and fully commit to your fitness journey with the LEVEL UP or FIT FOR LIFE program. Regardless of which program you start with it will be individualized to your fitness goals.

During each session, you will start with a warm up to get your body ready for the workout. Then we will move into the main portion of your training session. This could range from working with weights, resistance bands, equipment such as sandbags, dumbbells, etc. or could be your own body weight. It all depends on YOUR goals and YOUR comfort level. 


Accountability Coaching

You know you want to make changes….in your health, in your personal life, in your work life…but you struggle to keep commitments to yourself to do the things you need to do. I’ve got you! This program is PERFECT for someone who wants that extra accountability to help keep them on track, not just with their fitness, but with their LIFE goals as well!

Fitness Coaching

If you’re looking for in-person fitness coaching and accountability with a detailed plan to help you reach your health and fitness goals, then this is the perfect program for you! One to one coaching where we define your goals, create a plan of action tailored to YOU and then work together to make it happen.

Virtual Fitness Coaching

Not ready to hit the gym, not able to train with me locally….no worries. Get coaching from the comfort of your own home with Virtual Fitness Coaching! We will start with a phone call or zoom to make sure we are a great fit and learn a little more about your goals. Then we put a plan together and create a private client portal just for you with EVERYTHING you need to hit your goals and love your body and life!

My Commitment To You

Change can be hard. But you’re here and you’ve decided to make a commitment to living in YOUR best body starting today. And guess what? I’m committed to taking that journey with you.


You bring the heart, commitment and coach-ability, and I will bring the tools, accountability and support.


Together we will help you love the body you live in, while building the body and life you want.

Happy Clients


Let’s start loving your body!

Grab a FREE copy of my “Body Confidence For Life” E-book today!

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